The Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth
renamed "Abusive Head Trauma" or "Non-Accidental Injury"



* SBS began as an unproven theory and medical opinions, now discredited by biomechanical engineering studies
* No DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS done to eliminate other causes, abuse assumed without evidence
* Shaken Baby diagnostic symptoms not caused by shaking
* Child protective agencies snatch children, destroy families based on medical accusations without proof of wrong-doing
*Poor or deceptive police investigations, falsified reports, perjured testimony threaten legal rights, due process
* Prosecutors seek "victory", over justice; defense attorneys guilty of ineffective counsel, ignorance, lack of effort
* Care-takers threatened, manipulated, in order to force plea bargains, false confessions
* A fractured criminal justice system--a big piece for the rich, a small piece for the poor, and none for alleged SBS cases.



Related websites/ important people and projects ShakenBabySyndrome/Vaccines/YurkoProject
"Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis-- Are Parents Being Falsely Accused?" by Dr Harold Buttram, with Christina England (WEBSITE)
Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation:
EBMSI conferences, resources and information Articles and Reports
VacTruth: Jeffry Aufderheide; The SBS conection and other dangerous or deadly side effects of vaccination true, suppressed history of the smallpox vaccine fraud and other books:
Patrick Jordan
Sue Luttner, must-read articles and information on Shaken Baby Syndrome: her resources link
The Amanda Truth Project: Amanda's mother speaks out at symposium
Tonya Sadowsky



An old online quote from a doctor explained, before 1986 if a caretaker reported "inconsolable, high-pitched crying" after a vaccination, that person was told "to get the baby to the ER, stat! It was known as a likely symptom of brain inflammation/swelling and could result in brain damage or death. Any time there is brain swelling, the likelihood of hemorrhage exists as a strong possibility. If one sees brain swelling and bleeding, the caretaker will be blamed rather than the vaccine, because those are the diagnostic signs of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Studies have pretty much proven that it isn't possible to cause those symptoms from shaking alone, but the medical profession in general will fight like a wounded animal, tooth and nail, to avoid associating these symptoms with vaccinations, even through medical records, reports and cases document all of this--vaccines can cause brain inflammation in an infant, and that in turn can cause a constellation of symptoms leading to death or permanent disability.

The significance of the year 1986 might be lost on most people, but for those seeking damages for vaccine injuries, it changed everything. That's the year the government, in it's "wisdom" buckled under to immense pressure and agreed to take over legal responsibility for vaccine injuries and let doctors, hospitals and "Big Pharma" off the hook while piling that debt as an additional burden on the backs of the taxpayers in the form of a "vaccine court" to pay out damages. Most doctors refuse or neglect to report vaccine injuries, or to even admit the side effects. When forced to, they tend to minimize them as "normal reactions." The government itself admits that only 1-10% of serious vaccine reactions/injuries are reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). If even 1% of injuries are reported by health care providers, many of us who keep tract of such statistics would be very surprised. Out of those reported, only about 25% ever receive any compensation, and it can take years and steep legal bills since most getting damages are represented by counsel. Even so, the "System" has paid out over 2 billion dollars in damages since it's inception. The government caved under duress The pharma companies threatened to quit making vaccines if the government didn't cover litigation against them. So, this cash cow has continued to provide billions in revenue to all involved, and to cost the taxpayer billions when it goes wrong and the documentation is reliable and undeniable--although medical professionals on the injury board fight tooth and nail against pay outs. It was intended to be a "user-friendly" system, but instead became heavily adversarial from the beginning.

The most common and best documented vaccine adverse reactions are fever, sores, and right up there is "inconsolable, high pitched crying". Although it has other cases, like infection unrelated to vaccination that causes brain swelling, some meds and some causes that are more conjecture than facts, such as the many online sites that list minor causes than any mom should be suspicious of. (legal site)

Are there any adverse side effects associated with childhood vaccinations?

Most children have reactions to vaccinations which include slight temperature and discomfort. For more information regarding the critical time periods following innoculations go to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Table.

Possible difficulties can include but are not limited to anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, shock, high fever (over 102° F), seizures and inconsolable crying. Signs and symptoms such as high pitched and unusual screaming, persistent inconsolable crying, irritability, extreme tiredness, and bulging fontanel (on top of head) can be evident.

In those rare cases of vaccine injury, damages can be permanent and life-threatening. If you believe your child is having an adverse reaction to a vaccine, contact your physician immediately. For a child who begins to scream and cry inconsolably, tape-record the child's voice or video-tape the reaction and contact your physician immediately or take your child to the emergency room.

What if my doctor does not think the reaction is anything out of the ordinary?

You know typical and atypical behavior of your child. If your child exhibits any of the aforementioned side-effects, take your child to the emergency-room and have the symptoms documented. Keep a detailed record of the behavior of your child to include the time and exactly what happened after the shot(s) and all treating physicians and facilities, including names and dates.

You do have legal recourse through The Vaccine Compensation Act; however, you should have an attorney represent you and your child's best interests in the filing of your paperwork. Scott Johni is one of a handful of attorneys in the state of Florida who handles vaccination claims in the Court of Federal Claims.

Among doctors, there's an increasing awareness of ailments and conditions that can mimic the typical symptoms of child abuse — bleeding and bruising. The leading textbook on pediatric head injuries now includes two chapters on these mimics; they range from sickle cell anemia to congenital brain malformations to unintentional damage caused by the use of forceps or vacuums during birth.

Kernicterus is a form of brain damage caused by excessive jaundice. The substance which causes jaundice, bilirubin, is so high that it can move out of the blood into brain tissue. When babies begin to be affected by excessive jaundice, when they begin to have brain damage, they become excessively lethargic. They are too sleepy, and they are difficult to arouse - either they don't wake up from sleep easily like a normal baby, or they don't wake up fully, or they can't be kept awake. They have a high-pitched cry, and decreased muscle tone, becoming hypotonic or floppy) with episodes of increased muscle tone (hypertonic) and arching of the head and back backwards. As the damage continues, they may develop fever, may arch their heads back into a very contorted position known as opisthotonus or retrocollis.
The Jaundiced Baby with Signs of Acute Kernicterus: A Medical Emergency

When signs of acute kernicterus occur in a jaundiced baby, permanent brain damage is occurring. Immediate treatment should be done to prevent further damage, and because perhaps some of the damage is reversible.

Treatment should be immediate triple-bank phototherapy lights put as close as possible to the baby, a stat measurement of blood bilirubin should be sent, but the phototherapy should be started before the bilirubin results come back. The baby should be hydrated with fluids and probably be tube fed an elemental infant formula. The baby should be blood typed for a possible exchange transfusion, which should be done as soon as possible unless there is a large drop in the bilirubin, and the baby improves before the blood is ready for an exchange transfusion.

Jaundice and Preventing Brain Damage

When infants have signs of brain dysfunction from bilirubin toxicity, immediate treatment is needed to minimize permanent brain damage. The signs of acute bilirubin toxicity are:

abnormalities of tone, including increased tone (hypertonia), decreased tone (hypotonia), or a variation in tone from hypertonia to hypotonia,
lethargy, difficulty in arousing the baby, a high-pitched cry, arching the back and spine (retrocollis or opisthotonus), and fever.

Feeding or nursing is decreased, which makes matters worse not only because of dehydration, but because bilirubin is eliminated via the stool, and decreased feeding prevents bilirubin from being eliminated from the body. Expert neonatologists say that the most common cause of bilirubin levels rising high enough after discharge from the hospital to require readmission is in-adequate feeding.

Jaundice and Preventing Brain Damage

When infants have signs of brain dysfunction from bilirubin toxicity, immediate treatment is needed to minimize permanent brain damage. The signs of acute bilirubin toxicity are:

abnormalities of tone, including increased tone (hypertonia), decreased tone (hypotonia), or a variation in tone from hypertonia to hypotonia,
lethargy, difficulty in arousing the baby,
a high-pitched cry,
arching the back and spine (retrocollis or opisthotonus), and

Feeding or nursing is decreased, which makes matters worse not only because of dehydration, but because bilirubin is eliminated via the stool, and decreased feeding prevents bilirubin from being eliminated from the body. Expert neonatologists say that the most common cause of bilirubin levels rising high enough after discharge from the hospital to require readmission is in-adequate feeding.

Experts have proposed a clinical scale called the BIND scale, for Bilirubin-Induced Neurological Dysfunction. Babies are scored from 0-3 on each of three characteristics, tone, cry and mental status, with 0 being normal, and 9 the worst score. Degrees of severity of mental status, for example, would include with a normal awake baby or a sleeping baby who is easily roused, a lethargic baby who is difficult to rouse and falls back to sleep, a comatose baby responsive to only deep painful stimuli, and a comatose unresponsive baby. In any event, jaundice with any of abnormal signs such as lethargy, abnormal tone, arching, high-pitched cry, or fever, is a cause for immediate concern, and an urgent visit to a physician or hospital emergency room is required.

Some physicians have asked me, when the signs occur, isn't it too late to treat? NO! Although damage may have occurred, when the infant is jaundiced and signs are occurring, damage is continuing to occur. The sooner the bilirubin is reduced, the better, the less permanent brain damage will occur. THIS IS A TRUE MEDICAL EMERGENCY! Delay will make the damage worse.

With an excessively high bilirubin level, and with signs of acute kernicterus, arrangements should immediately be made for a double volume exchange transfusion. This may take a few hours, even in the best of medical centers. In the meantime, the baby should be given double or triple phototherapy with the lights as close as possible to the baby with maximal surface area exposed (and the eyes covered), and the baby should be fed orally or by gavage tube with Nutramigen or another elemental formula, to eliminate bilirubin via the gut. Dehydration may be corrected by intravenous infusion, but gastrointestinal feeding should not be ignored unless the baby is having a seizure or severely ill.

When bilirubin is very high, do not make or let your child's physicians make any of the following mistakes in care:

Not believing the bilirubin level from the lab, and delaying treatment while it is repeated. There is no problem in repeating the test, but don't delay treatment for an instant while waiting for the repeat - you have nothing to lose by treating with a huge dose of phototherapy, gavage feeding, hydrating, ordering a type and cross match and blood. If the bilirubin drops rapidly to a relatively safe level, and the child is asymptomatic (no symptoms), the exchange transfusion can be cancelled.
Delaying treatment or interrupting phototherapy for diagnostic testing to determine the risk of an exchange. If a sepsis workup or LP is needed, or an echocardiogram etc., do it under the lights. If it's not possible, keep the lights on every possible minute. If the baby needs to go for a test out of the unit, the lights go with him or her.
Not examining the baby for signs of acute kernicterus
Using the indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin instead of the total serum bilirubin to make treatment decisions. Use the total bilirubin.
Allowing the bilirubin to reach potentially dangerous levels. Obtaining a transcutaneous bilirubin level or measuring blood bilirubin is very easy to do. It is much easier to prevent bilirubin from rising too high than to treat it when it does.
Measuring the bilirubin and not comparing it to hour-specific norms. This is very important. A bilirubin level in a one-day-old may be normal or dangerously high depending on whether the baby is 24 or 47 hours old. A level of 8.5 would be in a high-risk zone (95th percentile) in a 24h old baby, and in a low risk zone (40th percentile) in a 47h old baby. Most use the Bhutani Nomogram, although some may use their own normal values.
Among the most common physical reasons for excessive crying are earaches, viral illnesses, and other causes of low-grade fever. Teething also causes increased crying. Medical attention may be necessary if an infant is crying more than usual or if the cries themselves sound different, for example, the cries are weaker or more high-pitched than usual.
A 2-month old received her first dose of DTaP and then had inconsolable crying for greater than 3 hours. Should we give additional doses of DTaP or should we give just DT?
Persistent crying following DTaP (as well as other vaccines) has been observed far less frequently than it was following the use of DTP. When it occurred after DTP, it was considered to be an absolute contraindication to further doses of pertussis-containing vaccine. When it occurs following DTaP, it is considered a "precaution" (or warning). If you believe the benefit of the pertussis vaccine exceeds the risk of more crying (which, although unnerving, is otherwise benign), you can administer DTaP. Many providers choose to administer pertussis-containing vaccine if this is the only precaution the child has experienced. You and the parent will need to make this judgment.
Please call us immediately if your baby has any of the following:
Rectal temperature above 100.50 in an infant under two months
Poor feeding
Inconsolable crying
Bluish skin color or difficulty breathing
Bleeding from the circumcision or significant bleeding from the umbilical stump
HIB (PEDVAXHIB)(produced by MERCK & CO. INC.) problem was reported from CA, USA. Female patient, child 00.3 years of age, was vaccinated with HIB (PEDVAXHIB) on Apr 2006, 04. 2 days inconsolable crying, floppiness, refusal to bear weight, periods of staring, blinking, period of tongue thrusting. Left eye drooping that still continues when tired, decreased appetite, fever 2 days excessive drooling, disorganized suck. As of 6/6/06 pt still has some sequelae. 06/08/06-Spoke with Tola the RN/reporter in Dr. Susan Abraham's office, she administered the vaccine. Mother of child is a Clinician at the Children's Health Service. All information submitted on the VAERS report was documente. Patient recovered.

HIB (PEDVAXHIB)(produced by MERCK & CO. INC.) problem was reported from ME, USA. Female patient, child 00.3 years of age, was vaccinated with HIB (PEDVAXHIB) on June 2006, 09. Inconsolable high pitched crying over the weekend.. Patient recovered.
VAERS High-pitched crying
1 in 1000 children are also reported to have suffered convulsions, being floppy and
less responsive than usual (i.e. an altered state of consciousness) and an unusual
high pitched cry. (7).
This high pitched cry they mention is known as the ‘cri encephalique’ and is an indication of neurological irritation. The brain swells (encephalitis), causing an extremely painful headache which makes the baby cry in a high-pitched way. Encephalitis is sometimes mild and the baby can make a full recovery, and sometimes it can be fatal – it depends on the severity of the swelling. However, vaccine-induced encephalitis is well documented in medical literature and is somewhat downplayed in parental information leaflets.
If your baby is vaccinated and s/he develops a high-pitched cry, you should go to A+E immediately.
How Common are Pertussis Reactions in America?
Some three and a half million American children receive pertussis vaccine every year and most react mildly. But an unknown number react more severely with high-pitched screaming, persistent crying for 3 or more hours, fever over 103F, excessive sleepiness
Call your pediatrician immediately if the answer to the following question is 'Yes'
- Does your child have a strange cry that isn't normal (a high-pitched cry)?
Common Symptoms of Meningitis and Septicemia include: in babies, high pitched cry and a bulging fontanelle or soft spot on the top of the head.
Spastic quadriparetic cerebral palsy with microcephaly, cortical blindness, marked dysphasia

Jonathan's story
From: Tammy Carrington

My husband and I live in East Texas in a town called Diboll (about 125 miles NE of Houston). My husband works for the Texas Forest Service and has been there for 23-24 years. I owned my own medical transcription business until my son became sick and I had to shut it down in order to care for my child.

When we married we decided that we would wait 2 years before starting our family. When I found out I was pregnant after 2 years of marriage we were so excited and began reading everything about pregnancy. I read everything I could lay my hands on regarding healthy eating, nutrition, and giving the baby the best start in life that I possibly could. I gave up all chemicals in foods, Aspartame and saccharin, caffeine, etc. so that the baby would be getting only the best source of nutrition. I read everything I could about each stage of pregnancy and I exercised each day. I felt great and my blood work was the best they had seen in a pregnancy in a long time. I then researched methods of delivery and after participating in several classes and reading a bunch of books, I decided that the best would be for me to go through labor and delivery naturally. My husband and I had a private tutor who instructed us on the Bradley Method of childbirth which taught you how to breathe and focus. I didn't want the epidural drugs in my son's bloodstream and thought it would probably be uncomfortable for me but it would be better for him. I had absolutely no complications during my pregnancy.

When the day finally arrived that my water spontaneously ruptured at 41 weeks my experience with labor began. I went through 19 hours of labor and the last couple of hours were the most intense since they had to initiate Pitocin. Finally at 8:19 PM on 07/31/97 my little son arrived into this world weighing 9 lbs and 7.6 oz. He was 21 inches long and let out a robust cry. There were no complications during labor or delivery. He started to breastfeed within 10 minutes of birth and was 9/9 on the APGAR scale.

I researched and read everything I could lay my hands on while I was pregnant so that I could make informed choices. The one thing that I was never told about was the hepatitis B vaccine that my son would be given in the hospital just before going home. If I had the opportunity to research this vaccine prior to him getting it, he would have never received it.

He was given the federally mandated hepatitis B vaccine when he was 3 days old just before we left the hospital. Within 4 hours he began screaming at the top of his lungs and we couldn't get him to stop. We called the hospital nursery and they told us that he was probably just scared not being in the environment that he had become accustomed to (with the sound of incubators humming etc.). My little boy never slept and screamed a high pitched blood curdling scream all his waking hours. He only slept for short periods (10-15 minutes) at a time and never slept for more than 4 hours in a 24 hour period. We took him to the pediatrician and we were told that it was colic and he would out grow this. Since this was our first child, we didn't know what was normal and what wasn't. We made many calls to the hospital staff during those early hours. The pediatrician told us that this was colic and that he would outgrow it by three months of age or so.

Jonathan continued screaming and we couldn't take him into public because we couldn't control his screaming and certainly couldn't stop it once it started. His screaming was so intense that his face would become blood red and he had a look of "panic" on his face that I could do nothing to help. He would wake up screaming even if he only slept for 10 minutes, in fact his screaming would start before his eyes opened. He lost most of his baby hair. He got his 2nd hep B shot when he was 2 months old and the screaming continued. He was horribly constipated too and we ended up in the pediatrician's office several times with this and they had to "stretch his sphincter".

We thought we were going to go nuts with the continual screaming because we spent all our days and nights trying to console him and make him feel better to no avail. We had to hire some help so that we could get some sleep, we were so exhausted.

When he was 4 months old he woke up after an unusually long sleep and I got him out of bed to breastfeed him at about 9 am. I could not get him to nurse. Every time I tried to nurse him, he started crying and rubbing his little eye with his fist. He had always been a very good nurser and I thought maybe he was teething and I gave him a little Orajel on his gums. This did not help his crying. I tried to give him a little taste of Tylenol, sometimes a taste would distract his crying for a moment. This did not do anything. I then called the pediatrician's office and requested that we come in. I called about 9:30 am and said that we needed to come in "this morning". I really thought it was an earache as I heard that most kids seem to get them but I wanted him to be looked at. They told me to be there at 10:40 and the doctor would see Jonathan before lunch. While I was getting Jonathan ready he threw up and was heaving. He had not eaten anything since the night before. He became very pale. Our pediatrician was out of town and we were seen by her partner (who had never laid eyes on my child). This doctor actually saw Jonathan by 11:00 and did not like the way he looked. He did some labs in his office which were all negative. He sent us to the local hospital for blood cultures and a chest x-ray which were both negative. He asked us to return at 2:00 and he had a gut instinct that he wanted to do a lumbar puncture. He explained to us that in med school they told him that if he ever thought LP for one second, then DO IT. He said that he wanted to do it. The LP revealed 3 vials of bloody fluid, just like a blood draw and he told us that this should look like water. He sent us immediately to the hospital for a CT scan of the head. The radiologist read the CT as a mass in the brain that had hemorrhaged. (Later determined to be a ruptured aneurysm within the next week). He was rushed off to ICU and air transportation was arranged while he was intubated. My baby was on death's door in a matter of moments.

He was life flighted by helicopter to Shreveport, Louisiana (Schumpert Medical Center) and he died in the helicopter and was resuscitated and began having seizures. Once he got to the PICU he died two more times and they resuscitated him. They worked on him for over an hour and his brain went without oxygen for a total of approximately 30 minutes. He was on total life support in a coma and was given no chance for survival through the night. They did a lot of testing to try and find the source of the bleed. He eventually had an arteriogram which showed the images of the aneurysm. He survived and 10 days later his aneurysm ruptured a 2nd time. They said that there was 3 times as much blood this time and they didn't know how he survived the first bleed. They gave him less than 24 hours to live this time and said that his brain was already herniating. We were praying all the time and believing for miracles.

He survived and we found that there was only 1 doctor in the country who could deal with our situation in a child so young. One doctor in Shreveport (pediatric neurosurgeon) told us to just let Jonathan die and that it would be wrong for us to do anything to save his life. He said, "He is damaged goods, nothing but damaged goods and to do anything about it is inappropriate". We were not going to sit back and let our child die once he had already survived what he had. We then went to California where he was going to have embolization of the aneurysm with interventional radiology. Nine doctors were in there with my son and it was going to take 8 hours (they had to do the procedure through an arteriogram in through a vein at the groin, weaving a catheter up into the brain), but after only 2 hours the main doctor doing the procedure came out and said, "well, we're done. We can't explain it but the aneurysm is gone". We said that we could explain it because we had been praying so hard. All the other doctors came out scratching their heads saying that they couldn't explain it either.

My son had to have a shunt placed the very next day because his intracranial pressure became too high. His shunt worked too good and caused a bleed on the opposite side of his brain (subdural hematoma/effusion) which had to be drained externally. He then had to have surgery to place his G-tube because his stomach was anatomically behind his rib cage and couldn't be placed endoscopically like most. He was diagnosed with cortical blindness, severe reflux and high risk for aspiration pneumonia. He has severe developmental delay, has a mixture of hypotonia and does have some spasticity. He is 24 hour care for 2 people.

Jonathan was recently diagnosed with the following as well: spastic quadriparetic cerebral palsy with microcephaly, cortical blindness, marked dysphasia. He had global developmental delay secondary to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy as a result of spontaneous rupture of a left MCA aneurysm. Intractable, symptomatic mixed seizure disorder secondary to rupture of left MCA aneurysm. He appears to have infantile spasms, partial seizures, myoclonic seizures, generalized tonic seizures. These are improved on the ketogenic diet.

We saw a physician in Houston who specialized in Hepatitis B adverse reactions and he did a battery of tests. His name is Andrew Campbell, MD. He told us that Jonathan definitely did have an adverse reaction to the hep B vaccine. We had a SPECT scan by Richard Neubauer, MD in Ft.
Lauderdale who also stated that Jonathan had toxic anoxic encephalopathy directly related to the hepatitis B vaccine and this was not the first time he had seen it and unfortunately would not be the last time he would see it. We were also told that Jonathan's intracranial pressure was so intense for such a long period of time from his prolonged horrific screaming that the vessel couldn't handle the pressure and ruptured. I was told that brain vessels are the thinnest vessels and are not built to withstand intense and prolonged pressure.

My son is now 29 months old. He was in the hospital for a total of just over 4 months before we were able to bring him home. Hospital dates were 12/11/97 through 04/08/98. We initially went to Shreveport then we were transferred to San Francisco and then back to Shreveport before coming home. We never returned home during that entire hospital course. We remained at Jonathan's side.

My son requires 24 hour nursing care which is provided by myself (as I had to quit my career), my husband (who has to work to support us), and a nurse who is paid by our insurance company. She is here 6 hours a day 5 days a week. We have no help on the weekends at all. We have no family close by and our church family has stood behind us.

Jonathan has a compromised immune system and cannot be around other kids or anyone that is sick. We are basically homebound. He was having 100-200 or more seizures a day, every day. We started the ketogenic diet for seizures and changed his medications and he now is having 30 or so a day now. He is g-tube fed every three hours and because of his reflux he must be held upright during feeding and for 1 hour afterward to prevent aspiration. With the ketogenic diet, because it is compromised of 90 percent fat, if it were to get into his lungs, he was be in great trouble. He has medications that must be given throughout the day and must be crushed and put into a syringe, then into his feeding tube. He cries a lot and requires full attention because of his gagging. He stays very constipated and the ketogenic diet makes this worse. He gets enough Milk of Magnesia every day to move an adult, and sometimes this doesn't help him. We end up having to use BabyLax and Baby Fleets enemas. We must monitor his ketones, seizures, urine output, and stool to ensure that everything is in balance. He still does not sleep just a whole lot.
He goes to bed around 3 am each "night" and sleeps until somewhere between 7 and 10 am. He will usually take a 1 hour nap during the day and a 30 minute nap in the evening. Someone must be with him, holding him, consoling him, feeding him, caring for him during all his waking hours. That would be myself and his father. He must also sleep in an incline position on a reflux wedge in his crib.

Recently he has been sick with the virus that has been going around. He needed breathing treatments every 3 hours around the clock. He literally did not shut his eyes for 4 days and 4 nights. He had fever that lasted for 7 days. We were bathing him with a cool cloth, he had no clothes on except his diaper and we were monitoring his temperature to make sure that it didn't continue to rise. My husband ended up sick and I had to be the nurse around the clock.

We have tried to receive some type of assistance to help us with nursing care. We have been denied everything except the Early Childhood Intervention which doesn't provide nursing care, it provides therapy at home. We applied for SSI, Medicaid (twice), MDCP (on a waiting list with a 3-5 year wait), CLASS (not in our area yet, but on the waiting list for when it does come here), CIDC, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, CCP, Burke Center (local agency), Medically Needy Program, United CP Foundation, all of our state and local legislators all to no avail. My husband makes about 75.00 a day and that seems to be too much for us to qualify for any program. My husband is supporting a family of 3 and trying to stretch the money to pay for all the extras that insurance doesn't pay for. We desperately need some help with nursing care. If my son were on Medicaid, he would be receiving 16 hours a day of care, 7 days a week. That would change our lives and help us to give Jonathan better care. We do all that we physically can, but when we get sick from getting no sleep, not eating right, and not taking care of ourselves...what will happen to Jonathan? We don't want to get to that point.

My son was injured by the hepatitis B vaccination and it was federally mandated. Where is the government now that we need help in dealing with the repercussions? We were told that if we would just get a divorce we would qualify in a second. We are Christian people and in this type of stressful situation, it is hard enough to keep your marriage and family together without the government encouraging you to divorce. We were also told that if Fred would just quit his job we would qualify. It is true that if he quit we would qualify but he is an honorable man and is working to pay our bills. He makes less in a day's work than our nurse is paid for working 6 hours here. We cannot afford to pay for what my son needs on my husband's salary and we make too much to qualify for any assistance. We are the working class that seem to slip through the cracks.

We are desperately looking for solutions and options. We are not hopeless. I believe that there is a difference. We have a case pending with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and I understand that it will take years before that is finished. I am sure that I have left out many programs that I have called and others that we have applied for but we have not found our answer yet.

I tried to include everything that I could remember, but these days my memory isn't what it used to be. Please feel free to e-mail me at

Sincerely, Tammy Carrington

March 12, 1999
Mr. Robert D. Crider, M.S., M.P.A.
Immunization Division,
Texas Department of Health
1100 West 49th St.
Austin, Texas 78756

Dear Mr. Crider,
Good morning and thank you for this opportunity to discuss some critical health issues. My name is Bonnie Dunbar and I am a research scientist and medical graduate student professor who has worked in the areas of autoimmunity and vaccine development for over twenty five years (the past 17 years at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston).

I am not here today as an official representative of Baylor College of Medicine but as a concerned citizen of Texas and the United States. In fact, I am sure that some of my colleagues would not approve of my appearance. Especially those that are benefiting handsomely from pharmaceutical company income as consultants and expert witnesses while carrying out vaccine clinical trials.

I was honored a few years ago by the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. as the "First Margaret Pittman" lecturer for my pioneering work in vaccine development. This was a most special event for me because of Dr. Pittman's contributions to early vaccines and because I understand the impact that some vaccines have had (and will continue to have) on our society. My ongoing research in the area of vaccine development continues to be a major commitment. I have worked extensively with the US Agency for International Development and the World Health Organization programs and have a life long commitment to carrying our research to understand, and hopefully, help to solve world population as well as disease problems.

I am speaking to you today, however, in reference to my experience with the severe adverse effects of the Hepatitis B vaccine. About five years ago, I had two individuals working in my laboratory who were required to take the Hepatitis B vaccine. Both of these individuals developed severe and apparently permanent adverse reactions as a result of this vaccine. Both of these individuals were completely healthy and very athletic before this vaccine and have now suffered severe, debilitating autoimmune side effects from this vaccine. I know the complete medical history of one, Dr. Bohn Dunbar, who is my brother who developed serious rashes, joint pain, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis-like symptoms, and now, has been affirmatively diagnosed with POTS (an autoimmune cardiovascular neurological problem) and finally with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. His problems have been attributed to the Hepatitis B vaccine by over a dozen different specialists around the United States of unquestionable medical expertise. He has now been rated permanently and totally impaired at greater than 90%. His health care has already cost the state of Texas around a half million dollars in the Worker's Compensation Program to date, a figure that will continue to rise given the severity of his health condition.

My other student went partially blind following her first booster injection, a medical condition that was markedly exacerbated by her second booster which resulted in long term hospitalization. Personal communications are that her eye-sight is continuing to deteriorate. Because she is in medical school she has been (understandably so) afraid to pursue investigation into her medical problems in the event that they might effect her medical career.

As I have worked extensively in vaccine development I am extremely sensitive to the need to evaluate the risk vs. benefits of any vaccine. Because of my established expertise in this area, it became immediately apparent to me that these two active, healthy individuals working in my laboratory developed "autoimmune" syndromes at a predictable immunological time frame following their booster injections to the Hepatitis B vaccine. After carrying out extensive literature research on this vaccine, it became immediately apparent that the serious adverse side effects of this vaccine (which appear to be related to the nature of the viral protein itself), may be more significant than generally known (or admitted).

I have now been in contact with numerous physicians from several countries, who have independently described the identical severe reactions in thousands of Caucasians. It is obvious that their observations have been, for the most part denied or ignored by the public health systems, as is evidenced by the serious charges against healthcare officials and pharmaceutical companies brought recently in France. I can assure you that the reversal of the vaccine mandate for children in France was not based on lack of documentation. I have now been contacted personally by hundreds or more individuals (including children) with severe health problems and life long disabilities resulting in major medical costs following the administration of this vaccine. In my experience, as with my colleagues, virtually all of these individuals are Caucasians (clearly indicating a genetic linkage).

In my detailed investigation over the past four years it is apparent to me, (as well as others who have been investigating this) that adequate long term follow up information was not collected in clinical trials for this vaccine. This is especially true with respect to the Caucasian populations in which many of these adverse effects would have predictably been observed. In any event, the vaccine inserts which give long lists of serious potential side effects, which I have been told that physicians do not show or discuss with their patients, are ominous!

Many physicians have told me, that if this vaccine is recommended and mandated by government officials, "why should they look at it or discuss it with their patients?" Others have said that their colleagues do not report these incidences because they "don't want to get involved." They also tell me that they have been informed that this vaccine is the safest ever developed because it is a recombinant DNA vaccine and therefore you can't get the disease. Unfortunately, they have clearly missed a major point of basic immunology. Any peptide or protein (regardless of the source of that protein,native or from genetic engineering) when introduced into the body will be "processed by the immune system" and depending on the nature of that protein, could result in long term immune reactions. Sadly, in basic science curriculums of medical schools, many of these details of immunology (a medical research field that has exploded over the last decade) are not taught. In fact, I recently was invited to speak at the Institute of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health on this subject. I was quite shocked when a senior member of a national health committee (involved in recommending mandates for childhood vaccines) came up to me and said: "Very interesting talk. I know you teach beginning medical students. Could you recommend me a basic immunology textbook, I think I need to catch up on some of this immunology stuff."

As the result of extensive literature research as well as our advanced knowledge in the mechanisms of autoimmune disease and Hepatitis B infection, I have discussed these issues with international teams of experts. We have submitted proposals to investigate the scientific basis for these adverse reactions, many which are similar to those reactions from individuals having the virus itself. It is apparent that there are major histocompatability genetic linkages among patients who are having the severe reactions. As many as 10 to 30% are not developing antibodies since they do not respond to this vaccine and are likely not to be protected from the disease anyway.

In our studies, we wish to carry out research to determine the long-term prognosis for patients having such adverse reactions with the hope of developing more specific therapies. Because I have an immunology and biochemistry laboratory we have already collected blood samples throughout the period of these adverse reactions therefore we have a unique pool of serum to begin to scientifically pinpoint the reasons for the adverse reactions. We have significant preliminary evidence which may explain these responses and we will continue to seek funding from private as well as federal sources to continue these studies.

It is apparent that the hepatitis B virus (and vaccine developed from hepatitis B surface antigen) is very unique from many other viruses and vaccines. New theories and experiments (i.e. molecular mimicry and anti-idiotypic antibodies) have been developed which could explain the reasons for autoimmune reactions caused by this virus or the viral protein used in the vaccine. (The December 26 1996, New York Time's article which summarizes studies on "molecular mimicry" theories for viruses causing autoimmune diseases may be right on point). The fact that there are dozens of publications on the correlation of this virus as well as the vaccine with autoimmune and other connective disease disorders provides strong evidence for the correlation of this viral antigen causing autoimmune diseases.

The FDA adverse reaction list now reports over 24,000 individuals with reported adverse reactions. If one dismisses the duplications and antibody non-responder reports, the vast majority of adults who have similar autoimmune associated symptoms including rash, joint pain, chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, neuritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus like syndrome and multiple sclerosis like syndrome. There are reports by the head of the FDA that these reports indicate only about one percent of the total numbers of adverse reactions.

These reactions clearly appear to be genetic, an observation which may provide us with the basis to evaluate which individuals might have adverse reactions to this vaccine. They may also provide us with information on those that are non-responders and may therefore not be protected by this vaccine even if they receive it. I have no doubt that the pharmaceutical companies are silently working on this because it is obvious from the published literature that these are major issues. In the meantime, how many individuals might be adversely effected before this research has been completed?

I have now been in direct contact with hundreds of severely ill patients (as well as with physicians who have hundreds more patients) clearly having adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine. I feel that it is critical to investigate the early onset effects as well as subsequent development of autoimmune adverse reactions in the hope that we might find more directed treatments to avert the long term effects of those already afflicted with these problems. I believe this is possible in view of new technologies for treatment of autoimmune diseases that are targeted to the identification of specific auto-antibodies to defined epitopes.

No one, especially myself, would ever assert that the hepatitis B virus is not causing serious health problems in the world. However, there are serious questions that remain unanswered:

1. Is the Hepatitis B virus (in its elegance of evolution and survival) a master of molecular mimicry which has produced its surface protein (the one used in the vaccine) to weaken the immune system in some individuals (i.e. inducing autoimmune disease)?

2. Can this vaccine be modified to avoid these adverse reactions or is this a virus which needs to be controlled or eradicated by early treatment or other methods?

3. Can we truly justify giving this vaccine to newborn infants? I would defy any colleague, clinician or research scientist, to claim that we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system. It is well established in studies in our animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult. In fact, we can easily perturb the immune system of the newborn in animal models to ensure that it cannot respond properly later in life.

4. Can we justify mandating this vaccine for all 12 year old children without having clear scientific and medical documentation on:

(a) The duration of the vaccine in children of this age group.

(b) The number of individuals in our state population that will be non-responders to the vaccine. (This is a critical question since section 97.67 of immunization requirements in Texas Elementary and Secondary schools requires that serologic confirmation be given to prove immunity. It is established that a significant percentage of individuals will not have serological immunity against the Hepatitis B vaccine regardless of immunization schedules. Furthermore, large numbers of health care workers who have been subjected to repeated immunization despite lack of serologic immunity have reported serious adverse vaccine reactions.)

(c) The risk of lifelong permanent disability due to this vaccine and the risks among different population groups?

If this, or any other vaccine, by nature of the protein or parts of the protein (native or produced from a cDNA as a recombinant protein), has the ability to adversely effect the immune system of large numbers of individuals resulting in severe adverse reactions (even if restricted to some genetic populations) then the public reaction to all vaccines, including those that clearly DON'T have adverse reactions will be doomed in the public's eye. That includes the development of vaccines to evolving air born viruses which might become a legitimate threat to our society. Thanks to the success of the Human Genome Project and advances in computer programs it may be possible to evaluate potential molecular structure to predict these problems in advance. While pharmaceutical companies complain that extended clinical trials would cost too much, they brag to their shareholders about profits of mandated vaccines.

In conclusion, I would like to relate an observation. In my research on vaccines that have been used successfully for the humane control of animal populations, I have had the opportunity to observe first hand, African elephant family behavior. Whenever a baby cries, the entire herd of up to a hundred will immediately trumpet, and charge with great flurry to surround the infant elephant. When it is apparent that there is no danger, they will one by one touch trunks with that infant, ensuring that he is okay before going about their business. They would certainly never allow a single baby or family member to be exposed to unknown danger.

I would simply ask you in your serious charge of maintaining our public health system that you, as our friends the elephants, listen to the cry of every baby and family member that might be at risk and demand that you have adequate scientific and medical information to make responsible decisions.

I thank you for your attention and would be glad to answer any questions or provide you with additional information.

Bonnie S. Dunbar, PhD, Professor
Department of Cell Biology
Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030

Dianne Jacobs Thompson  Est. 2007
Also (alternative medicine featuring drugless cancer treatments)
Author publication: NEXUS MAGAZINE "Seawater--A Safe Blood Plasma Substitute?"